Models used for illustrative purposes only.
BETASERON® (interferon beta-1b) is a prescription medicine used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease, in adults.
Dosing Information

You may be started on a lower dose when you first start taking BETASERON. Your doctor will tell you what dose of BETASERON to use when you begin and will provide you with a schedule for increasing your dosage. This process is called titration. Titration means increasing the dosage over time so that your body can adjust. Do not change your dose without talking with your doctor.

If you miss a dose
If a dose of BETASERON is missed, then take it as soon as you remember or are able to take it. You should not take BETASERON on two consecutive days. The next injection should be taken about 48 hours (two days) after that dose. If you accidentally take more than your prescribed dose or take it on two consecutive days, you should call your healthcare provider immediately.
For detailed information on taking BETASERON, please see the Injection Training Guide that comes in your BETASERON Training Kit.
Injecting With BETACONNECT™

1. Prepare
Turn on BETACONNECT, ensure
battery is charged, and insert
prepared syringe

2. Choose site
It’s important to rotate injection
sites each time you inject

3. Inject
Hold BETACONNECT against
the skin and press and release
the injection button
Keeping Track
Be prepared for your next doctor visit

Questions? Call 1-844-788-1470
An MS-trained BETA Nurse is available to answer your questions about BETASERON.