Models used for illustrative purposes only.
BETASERON® (interferon beta-1b) is a prescription medicine used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease, in adults.

In patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), BETASERON® was PROVEN to
In patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), BETASERON was PROVEN to
PROVEN to significantly delay time to a second flare-up in patients with CIS
In a 2-year study, 292 patients with clinically isolated syndrome* who started treatment early with BETASERON significantly reduced their likelihood of having a second flare-up compared with 176 patients on placebo

BETASERON cut risk of a second flare-up in half
less risk†
Likelihood of a second flare-up within 2 years:
with placebo
*Patients included in the BENEFIT Study experienced a first neurological event suggestive of multiple sclerosis, which is also referred to as clinically isolated
syndrome. Patients also had at least 2 lesions on a T2-weighted brain MRI scan that did not cause any symptoms.
†By proportional hazard ratio regression adjusted for age/gender/steroids/T2 lesions/Gd lesions.
PROVEN to reduce the number of newly active brain lesions in patients with CIS
MRI data from a 2-year study showed that BETASERON patients with the first symptoms of MS had fewer newly active lesions at 2 years

BETASERON reduced the number of brain lesions
fewer newly active lesions‡
Newly active brain lesions:
(292 people)
with placebo
(176 people)
‡Newly active lesions=nonenhancing new or enlarging T2 lesions; new Gd-enhancing lesions. (P<0.0001, hazard ratio: 0.50). The exact relationship between MRI findings and the clinical status of patients is not known.
BETASERON can cause serious side effects, including:
Liver Problems Including Liver Failure. Symptoms of liver problems may include yellowing of your eyes, itchy skin, feeling very tired, flu-like symptoms, nausea or vomiting, bruising easily or bleeding problems. Your healthcare provider will do blood tests to check for these problems while you take BETASERON.
Please see additional Important Safety Information below.
PROVEN to cut frequency of flare-ups in patients with RRMS
In a 2-year study, 124 patients taking BETASERON had 31% fewer relapses than 123 patients taking placebo
The second main result showed the proportion of patients who had not had a flare-up at 2 years did not significantly differ between the placebo (16%) and BETASERON (25%) treatment groups

BETASERON cut the frequency of
Flare-ups per year:
with placebo
§All patients were ambulatory with EDSS scores of 5.5 or less and had at least 2 acute exacerbations during the previous 2 years.
BETASERON can cause serious side effects, including:
Serious Allergic Reactions. Serious allergic reactions can happen quickly and may happen after your first dose of BETASERON or after you have taken BETASERON many times. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling of the mouth or tongue, rash, itching, or skin bumps.
Understand Safety
It's important to know the possible risks and benefits of BETASERON. Make sure you talk to your doctor to understand which possible side effects are more serious than others, as well as those that are more common.
Learn more about safety
Be prepared for your next doctor visit

Questions about BETASERON? Call 1-844-788-1470
An MS-trained BETA Nurse is available to assist you.